About The Teacher!!!


My name is Ms. N. Parks and I have been teaching at Walt Disney Magnet
School since 1996! 


When I am not at school, I love to spend time with my family. Some of my                                  interests include reading, writing, traveling, activities with my
church, cooking, dancing, gardening and martial arts.


You may be surprised to know that I have a first degree black belt in a
Korean martial art called Hapkido. I have been to Korea to practice with the
Korean martial arts team! What an exciting experience!


I love working in my garden and every summer I grow some of the most
beautiful flowers and organic vegetables! I am an advocate for nutritional eating and organic gardening. A few years ago my garden was a finalist in the Chicago Bungalow Association Annual Garden Contest -out of 37 entries- and I came in 2nd place overall! 


I also really enjoy visiting museums and Botanical Gardens. There is so much to learn
at the Museum of Science and Industry, the Field Museum, and the Adler Planetarium. Botanical Gardens allows you the opportunity to explore nature and learn about plant diversity and conservation. It is exciting to incorporate the fascinating concepts from my visits into my instruction. Field trips to these destinations bring science, ecology/conservation, math, reading, and history to life, as well as add an extra dimension to classroom learning.


Reading is one of my favorite activities! I hope everyone had a chance to
read some fantastic books over the summer. All of the children will have the
opportunity to tell me about their favorite stories. I am a firm believer in literacy and I feel that combining literacy with real world experiences will promote a well-rounded curriculum. 


Chicago has always been my home and I think it is a great city! After high
school, I left Chicago to attend Williams College in Williamstown,
Massachusetts. Later, I received my M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction and
my Type 75 Administration certificate at Loyola University in Chicago. I chose to teach in Chicago since this city has always been my home and I want to give back to my community; making a difference in the lives of children is one of life’s greatest rewards.


I love children and I love teaching! Motivating a child to succeed, to strive
to do his/her personal best and to become a life-long learner are the
greatest pleasures of teaching. It is my personal belief that parents and teachers should be partners in the education process. I am confident that with your support we will all have an amazing school year.

Ms. N. Parks                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Bitmoji Image